
  1. 實踐大學會計系兼任助理教授 
  2. 元培科技大學企管系兼任助理教授
  3. 元培科技大學財金系兼任講師
  1. W-H., Tsai, J-L., Hsu, C-H., Chen, W-R., Lin, and S-P. Chen (2010), “An Integrated Approach for Selecting Corporate Social Responsibility Programs and Costs Evaluation in the International Tourist Hotel,” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol.29, No.3, pp.385-396. (SSCI)
  2. W-H., Tsai, S-J., Lin, J-Y., Liu, W-R., Lin, and K-C., Lee (2011) “Incorporating Life Cycle Assessments into Building Project Decision Making: An Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission Perspective,” Energy, Vol.36, No.5, pp.3022-3029. (SCI) 
  3. W-H., Tsai, J-L., Hsu, C-H., Chen, W-R., Lin, and S-P. Chen (2010), “An Integrated Approach for Selecting Corporate Social Responsibility Programs and Costs Evaluation in the International Tourist Hotel,” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol.29, No.3, pp.385-396. (SSCI)
  4. W-H., Tsai, J-L., Hsu, C-H., Chen, Y-W., Chou, S-J., Lin, and W-R., Lin (2010), “Application of ABC in Hot Spring Country Inn,” International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Vol.8, No.2, pp.152-174.
  5. C-T., Lin, Y-H., Wang, and W-R., Lin (2008), “Informational Effect of Top Executive Turnover: Testing Hybrid Grey-Market Model,” The Journal of Grey System, Vo1. 20, No. 1, pp.53-64. (SCI & EI).
  6. C-T., Lin, Y-H., Wang, and W-R., Lin (2008), “Empirical Analysis on CEO Turnover and Company Performance: Event Study-related GARCH Model,” Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp.583-602. (EI: INSPEC).
  7. Y-H., Wang, C-T., Lin, and W-R., Lin (2008), “Market Reactions of Top Manager Turnover and CFO Turnover: Empirical Evidence on Taiwanese Listed Electronic Firms,” Empirical Economics Letters, (2007, 07, 29: accepted). (ELI)
  1. Y-H., Wang, C-T., Lin, and W-R., Lin, “The Wealth Effects of CEO Turnover on Taiwanese Listed Electronic Companies”, 2007 International Conference on Business and Information, 2007-07-11, Tokyo, Japan.
  2. W-H., Tsai, W-R., Lin, S-J., Lin, and J-L., Hsu (2009), “Investigation of ERP Implementation Problems in Organizational Environment,” Proceedings of the 2009 IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Hong Kong, December 8-11, 2009, pp.1825-1829. (計畫編號:NSC95-2416-H-008-027) 
  3. W-H., Tsai, W-R., Lin, K-C., Lee, H-C., Chen, and T-W., Lin (2010), “Auditing Effectiveness of Information System and IT Governance Achievement Level,” presented at 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 31-August 4, 2010.
  1. 以創新擴散觀點探討台灣財富管理銀行業務關鍵成功因素與經營策略之研究(國科會專題研究計畫MOST103-2410-H-034-019,主持人),2014/08~2015/07。
  2. 跨企業整合觀點探討創新擴散理論對行動銀行APP服務系統推廣策略之應用研究(國科會專題研究計畫NSC102-2410-H-034-028,主持人),2013/08~2014/07。
  3. 建構行動銀行系統使用之評估模型-以銀行產業為例(國科會專題研究計畫NSC101-2410-H-034-062,主持人),2012/11~2013/10。
  1. 中國文化大學102學年度全校輔導績優導師
  2. 2014 International Conference on Business and Information - Best Reviewer Award
  3. 102學年度帶隊參加台灣行銷科學學會、中國國際貿易促進委員會商業行業分會『2014年海峽兩岸大學生行銷模擬決策競賽』榮獲第二名
  4. 102學年度帶隊參加中國科技大學管理學院『2014年遠雄盃海峽兩岸高校學生營銷(行銷)策畫邀請賽』行銷(營銷)企劃組榮獲競賽最佳團隊獎
  5. 102學年度帶隊參加中國科技大學管理學院『2014年遠雄盃海峽兩岸高校學生營銷(行銷)策畫邀請賽』創新創業組榮獲競賽最佳人氣獎
  6. 102學年度帶隊參加中國科技大學管理學院『2014年遠雄盃海峽兩岸高校學生營銷(行銷)策畫邀請賽』遠雄(指定)主題組榮獲競賽最佳創意獎
  1. NiLuh Shanthi Sekarini (謝珊堤) (2014, Jan.), The Antecedents of Compulsive Buying Behavior: The Mediating Role of Intention to Use Credit Card and Materialism, Master Thesis (Co-Advisor: Prof. Fu-Ju Yang), Master program, Department of Banking and Finance, Chinese Culture University.
  2. Cao Thi Cam Tu (高錦秀) (2014, Jan.), The Impact of Corporate and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of Vietnam Commercial Banks, Master Thesis (Co-Advisor: Prof. Fu-Ju Yang), Master program, Department of Banking and Finance, Chinese Culture University.
  3. 李依庭貪污行為對購併事件之股東財富效果影響-中國金融業之實證分析,碩士論文(與王譯賢教授共同指導),中國文化大學財務金融學系碩士班,民國103年6月。      
  4. 蔡涵宇,類別交易人的交易活動對期貨與現貨市場價格發現之影響:台灣市場之研究,碩士論文(與洪瑞成教授共同指導),中國文化大學財務金融學系碩士班,民國103年6月。
  5. 黃怡儒,交易制度之改變對期貨與現貨市場價格發現之影響:台灣市場之研究,碩士論文(與洪瑞成教授共同指導),中國文化大學財務金融學系碩士班,民國103年6月。