職稱 |
教授 |
姓名 |
林翠蓉 |
研究室 |
大恩802 |
電話 |
ext.36222 |
lcr5@ulive.pccu.edu.tw |
研究領域 |
國際財務管理、公司理財、公司治理、、ESG管理、固定收益證券、財務策略管理 |
課程 |
財務理論、國際財務管理、固定收入證券 |
學歷 |
國立中正大學企業管理研究所財務管理組博士 |
經歷 |
論文著作 |
1.Nur Imamah, Tsui-Jung Lin, Suhadak,Jung-Hua Hung, (2020, Dec). The Moderating Effect of Anti-Corruption Campaign on the Relation between Political Connections and Investments Behavior – The Case of Chinese Listed Firms. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 14(1), 14-32. (Scopus, Q3). 2. Tusi-Jung Lin, Hai-Yen Chang, Hui-Fun Yu, Ching-Pao Kao (2019, Mar). The impact of political connections and business groups on cash holdings: Evidence from Chinese listed firms. Global Finance Journal (NSC Ranking B+), 40, 65-73. 本人為第一作者. 3. Nur Imamah, Tsui-Jung Lin, Suhadak, Siti Ragil Handayani, Jung-Hua Hung (2019, Mar). Islamic law, corporate governance, growth opportunities and dividend policy in Indonesia stock market. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (NSC Ranking A Tier-2, SSCI), 55, 110-126. MOST 106-2410-H-008-035. 4. Tusi-Jung Lin, Yi-Pei Chen, Han-Fang Tsai. (2017, Jan). The relationship among information asymmetry, dividend policy and ownership structure. Finance Research Letters (SSCI), 20, 1-12. 本人為第一作者. 5. Tsui-Jung Lin (2016, Dec). The relationship between political connections, information asymmetry and the value of cash holdings-Evidence from China. Journal of Accounting, Finance, and Management Strategy (ABI indexed), 11(2), 75-102. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 6. Tusi-Jung Lin, Han-Fang Tsai, Nur Imamah and Jung-Hua Hung (2016, Dec). Does the identity of multiple large shareholders affect the value of excess cash? Evidence from China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (NSC Ranking ATier-2, SSCI ), 40, 173-190. 本人為第一作者. 7. Yi-Cheng Li, Han-Fang Tsai, Tusi-Jung Lin, Wei-Ssu Hsu and Jung-Hua Hung (2015, Dec). The Moderating Effects of Split Share Structure Reform on the Relation between Dividend Preferences and Share Segmentation System of China Listed Firms. Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting (AQAFA). (NSC Ranking B, FLI), 13, 57-89. 8. Han-Fang Tsai, Tsui-Jung Lin, Jung-Hua Hung (2015, Aug). The effects of the split share structure reform on Chinese listed firms’ leverage decisions. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (NSC Ranking A-), 57, 86-100. 9. Tsui-Jung Lin, Li Chang, Chi-Ping Hou & Pei-Rong Chou (2014, Mar). The Dynamic Relationship between Managerial Ownership and Corporate Diversification: Evidence for Family and Non-Family Businesses. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 6(5), 84-95. 本人為第一作者. 10. 侯啟娉、林翠蓉、張力、羅巧倩(2016年01月)。股東常會時間、財務績效和裁決性應計數關係之探討。會計評論(TSSCI),62,75-110。 11. 張力,侯啟娉,林翠蓉,許蕙欣(2014年06月)。公司治理結構與股東常會可接近性之關係。臺大管理論叢 (TSSCI),24(2), 213-248。 12. 侯啟娉,張力,林翠蓉,陳美娟(2014年03月)。政府機關內部控制制度之執行對組織效能影響之研究--以國有財產局及國稅稽徵機關為例。商管科技季刊,15(1), 55-88。 |
專利及專書 |
黎煥中、王妙伶、蔡美華、林翠蓉編著,統計學,前程企管印行,89年8月初版 |
學術會議 |
研究計畫 |
榮譽獎賞 |
指導論文 |
期刊學報編審 |
其他 |